Thursday, September 5, 2013

Andrew Smith 
Daily Activities 

1. Woke up (obviously)

2. Stayed in bed

3. Opened my eyes again because my roommate was trying to set up the printer at 8 am! (pissed)

4. Stayed in bed

5. Got out of bed, finally 

6. Drank some water

7. Went on my computer

8. Went to the bathroom and washed my face

9. Came back and went on my computer

10. Got dressed

 11. Walked down the sidewalk to Schine to get a JuiceJam Tank

12.  Walked to Bird Library to fill up two water bottles (go environment)

 13. Went back to Ernie Davis and ate some food (had a chicken sandwich) 

14. Went back up to my dorm (Ernie) and relaxed for a bit

15.  Walked (sorry, lot of W-words) down to Marshall Square mall for the worst class ever, WRT 105

16. Went straight to the bathroom after class

 17. Relaxed in my dorm for a little then grabbed some dinner with some people

18. Walked downtown to Acting Class

 19. During the break of the acting class I had a granola bar and called my parents and Aunt Linn

 20. Class ended around 9:41 p.m

21. On the way home took some pictures of the nicely lit Arts and Sciences building. 

22.  Gordon had to sign me into the dorm building because I lost my i.d

 23. Ate some dry cereal with peanut mixed in with it, and a piece of wheat bread with Nutella on it (healthy) 

24.  Watched some Youtube videos

 25. Took a shower and brushed my teeth

26.  Looked at all of my social networking sites and went to bed. 

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